
Havelpark Dallgow

Kaufparkeiche 0918 01

With Havelpark Dallgow, we are creating a new meeting place for young and old on the Berlin city border. The location, which used to focus mainly on specialist retailers, has been converted into a contemporary shopping centre with a modern design and a varied sector and tenant mix. Many tenants have expanded into new space, while new arrivals include Bäckerei Junge, Depot and Olymp & Hades. The outdoor facilities were also extensively redesigned: more residential quality was provided and new play opportunities were created. For this purpose, the public transport connection was also optimized. In addition to a wider range of stores, one of our objectives was to adopt more of a regional focus in centre marketing. This helps to increase identification, which is an important factor in making the Havelpark a popular shopping destination in the long term.


01da7 07a2e


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Havelpark Dallgow
Döberitzer Weg 3
14624 Dallgow-Döberitz

Shops and restaurants 98
Free parking spaces 3,400

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Asset Type

Hybrid shopping and experience centre
Retail park

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January 2014: JV with Morgan Stanley MSREF VII
December 2016: JV with Madison International Realty

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Total rental area

54,000 sqm

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Total investment volume
Euro 203.2 million

Investment volume for revitalisation
Euro 33 million