We are continuously improving the environmental performance of our offices through different measures e.g. LED lighting, separating our waste, installing smart meters. Currently, 86% of our offices have green energy contracts and we aim to raise this to 100% by 2023, while solar panels on the roof of our Amsterdam office supplied 96% of our total office energy consumption there in 2021.

Employee well-being
The health and well-being of our colleagues is important to us and expressed through various initiatives and benefits organised both locally and centrally. In terms of office fit out this includes ergonomic chairs, flexible/standing desks, double screens and headsets, quiet areas and plants/living walls. Health benefits in some of our countries also include regular health checks, gym subscriptions, free fruit, filtered water and yoga or massage in the office.

Clearly, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to play a major role in 2021, with travel restrictions and lockdowns in many regions. As most restrictions across Europe were lifted in early 2022, we look forward to being able to compare the carbon footprint of our ‘new normal’ way of working to the ‘business as usual’ approach prior to the pandemic. Behavioural change will be the biggest driver to ensure that we stay on track for our medium-term 2025 target.

Impact on society
Our employees play an active role in proposing charities we support through the Redevco Foundation. Each of these initiatives is intended to have some degree of positive societal, environmental or cultural impact for the respective stakeholder group that is targeted.

Corporate giving
Redevco is convinced that businesses have a broader responsibility to the communities in which they operate. Through the Redevco Foundation and by offering our employees a volunteering day per year for a charitable organisation of their choice, we have created an opportunity to ‘give back’ and go beyond ‘simply’ maximising our operational sustainability.

Employee development
We live and work in a dynamic world which requires constant learning and adaptation from us all. We stimulate continuous professional development through global and local initiatives. We launched the Redevco Skills Builder. This 24/7 online learning portal offers a wide variety of training opportunities, with a direct link to our business needs.