Staying fit & healthy
A well-balanced mental state positively influences the physical state and vice versa. We believe a healthy body and mind start with healthy eating habits and staying physically fit during and after working hours. We are committed to enabling a healthy lifestyle for our employees that suits their needs.
Flexibility in time and place
Business in balance is one of our guiding principles. It is rooted in our belief that we must balance the social, environmental, and financial impact of our business activities. This also applies to our day to day work. At Redevco we understand the value of a healthy work-life balance and take a flexible attitude about when you work and where.
Attractive workspace
Whether you work from our offices or your home office, you should feel comfortable. At Redevco, we want to offer our employees a place that is pleasant, ergonomic and appealing. We value a good atmosphere in the office, created through a variety of factors. We also believe your home office should be comfortable, so we contribute to a proper set-up there as well.
Room to grow
In the area of personal development, we believe in continuous and life-long learning, and we provide our staff with ‘room to grow’. We believe that fostering a growth mindset has a strong and positive impact on the health and well-being of our people, as well as their motivation. It is our responsibility to offer our employees the opportunity to acquire the skills they need to perform to the best of their potential.