Mission 2040 – Partnership with Fabriq
August 19, 2020
Redevco has committed to making its entire portfolio net zero carbon by 2040 as part of its ongoing efforts to act responsibly and reduce its impact on the environment. The new ‘Mission 2040’ campaign is aligned with the World Green Building Council’s definition of Net Zero Carbon (NZC), which states buildings should be highly energy efficient and fully powered from on-site and/or off-site renewable energy sources. View our infographic to see how we will go about reaching this goal.
The first step is to know where we stand today in terms of the energy consumption and emissions of our assets. To do this we have partnered up with Fabriq. Fabriq is a platform that allows us to capture and analyse energy and other environmental data across all our assets, enabling us to view our entire portfolio of assets in a single dashboard. As we start linking different data sources, such as smart meters and other billing data, to the platform, we get a comprehensive overview of the current energy performance of our portfolio.
With this information we can identify which assets perform well and which ones will need improving, allowing us to focus on those assets when implementing steps to reduce energy consumption. It is our intention to roll out the solution in our entire portfolio, but for now we have already started implementing these measures in our four signature projects:
- A residential project
- An inner city shopping mall project
- An on-site energy generation project: Project Solar
- A big box retail transformation project
These four signature projects will demonstrate what Mission 2040 looks like and will prove that we can make our buildings net zero carbon in operation. Follow us on LinkedIn to see the latest news on our Mission 2040 and our four signature projects.